California Regional Water Quality Control Board

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California regional water quality control board. California regional water quality control boards a list of the regional boards their addresses main telephone and fax numbers. California water code section 10783 senate bill 4 pavley statutes of 2013 requires the state water board to implement a regional groundwater monitoring program. North coast region 1 www waterboards ca gov northcoast. California regional water quality control boards.
State of california central valley regional water quality control board. State of california central coast regional water quality control board. California state water resources control board. Developing and enforcing water quality objectives and implementing plans that will best protect the area s waters while recognizing our local differences in climate topography geology and hydrology.
The program goal is to evaluate potential impacts from oilfield operations and characterize the risk to groundwater resources while prioritizing areas to be monitored. To preserve enhance and restore the quality of california s water resources and drinking water for the protection of the environment public health and all beneficial uses and to ensure proper water resource allocation and efficient use for the benefit of present and future generations. Under the federal clean water act and the state s pioneering porter cologne water quality control act the state water board has regulatory authority for protecting the water quality of nearly 1 600 000 acres 6 500 km 2 of lakes 1 300 000 acres 5 300 km 2 of bays and estuaries 211 000 miles 340 000 km of rivers and streams and about 1 100 miles 1 800 km of exquisite california coastline. The nine regional boards are semi autonomous and are comprised of seven part time board members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate.
Geological survey is technical lead and will be presenting summaries on their recently published studies. Regional water quality control boards in california there are nine regional water quality control boards statewide. Regional water quality control boards select north coast region 1 san francisco bay region 2 central coast region 3 los angeles region 4 central valley region 5 lahontan region 6 colorado river region 7 santa ana region 8 san diego region 9. To preserve enhance and restore the quality of the central valley s water resources for the protection of the environment public health and all beneficial uses for the benefit of present and future generations.
Because the plans adopted by the regional water boards cover one or more water basins they are often referred to as basin plans california s water quality control plans must. To preserve enhance and restore the quality of california s water resources and drinking water for the protection of the environment public health and all beneficial uses and to ensure proper water resource allocation and efficient use for the benefit of present and future generations. Regional water quality controls boards pdf version updated 08 2016 drinking water information.